1.10.2 harvester bugs

Issue #74 resolved
Former user created an issue
  1. Both on crop harvester and tree farm, with Forge 1.10.2-, scan range can be reduced but not increased (i.e, you can adjust a given direction from 10 down to, say, 4, but then not back up to 6)

  2. Crop harvester does not harvest nether wart. Is this by design?

Comments (3)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    its a bug, the issue is the max range is not enforced when a new block is added and it default to 10 even when the max range is set to a lower value in the config file, when you reduce the range it wont allow you to up it again since it is above the max range, i added a extra check to the code that will now make sure the range is never set above the max range, and will default to the max range if 10 is higher then max range, if max range is higher then 10 it will default to 10 and you can manually adjust the range up.

    I have not looked at nether wart yet.

  2. Phil Stracchino

    Aaaaaah, after thinking about that a little I understand what you;re saying. So if I set the range down to 4, then later try to set it back up to 6, the farm won't let me because the max-range check thinks the range is already at 10, right?

    Oh, sudden thought: Another thing that might possibly be useful in general, not just in this case, is a "Reset" button that just resets all settings on the farm to default.

    Unrelated: I also discovered tree farms won't farm Forestry trees. I'm guessing this is because Forestry trees are an extension of the normal tree types with a gazillion extra bits of NBT?

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