Enhancement suggestion: Multiplex storage

Issue #75 resolved
Phil Stracchino created an issue

Tom, I have an enhancement idea for the storage unit. Don't know if it's feasible or not.

Right now the upgrade path for storage units is a straight Tier1 -> Tier2 -> Tier3 progression, storing progressively larger quantities of a single item. Would it be feasible to add an alternate upgrade path to a Multiplex Storage Unit that stores up to 64 stacks each of four different items in a 2x2 grid? It would not be further upgradeable in capacity beyond 4×64 stacks, but would give a high-density storage option for when you need to store moderate numbers of many different similar things (metal dusts or ingots, say, or in this specific case, Thaumcraft 6 vis shards and essentia phials), instead of storing hundreds or thousands of stacks of a single item.

Comments (4)

  1. Phil Stracchino reporter

    On 7/28/19 5:23 PM, Tom Erik Voll wrote:

    I don't think I've touched Minecraft in a year and a half now. I got really burned out on it.

    -- Phil Stracchino Babylon Communications phils@caerllewys.net phil@co.ordinate.org Landline: +1.603.293.8485 Mobile: +1.603.998.6958

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