slot selection doesn't work with factorization crystalizers

Issue #8 resolved
Former user created an issue

it might be because it defaults to inserting from the bottom ? that's the only side that doesn't work, if that's the case maybe just allow selection of side at the same time as slot?

Comments (5)

  1. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    When using slot mode, it checks all slots available from all sides. try different slots numbers and see if it works, can you also see if it does not work on furnace, im unable to test myself today, i will be back on my main machine in a day or so.

  2. Crazy- KSK

    different slot numbers did not work on the crystallizer and do neither on the vanilla furnace removing all my mods except router did not fix the issue so it might be the forge version I'm running? forge 1291

  3. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    no that should be fine, i must have messed it up when i fixed the stack size issue

  4. Tom Erik Voll repo owner

    Fixed it, i think the slot mode has not worked for a long time, i was missing some stuff in the code that was there before, i will put out the fixed version soon, i just have some more checking to do, i think the insertion of frames in the apiary will work again to now.

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