small improvements to the redis backend

#57 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

closing. this is out of date, and has been implemented in a package available on pypi and github as dogpile_backend_redis_advanced (

Closed by: ·2018-05-05


Since Redis testing now works better, here are some suggested features reformulated against the current master (with improved tests) for potential inclusion.

configurable lock prefix

This preserves the default behavior of "_lock{0}", but allows for users to specify a prefix for keys [such as "lk-{0}"].

reasons include:

  • easier for manual audits of redis keys

  • shorter prefixes (redis is memory only; shaving off a few bytes over tens of thousands of entries is desirable)

  • avoid namespace collisions

ability to wrap a lock timeout exception in a custom class

This allows for a wrapper class to surround a lock, for the purpose of catching LockRelease errors for logging or suppression.

reasons include:

  • in production environments, there are some situations in which a cache can go down before a lock is released or heavy usage can cause a lock to prematurely time-out, raising an error if there is no longer a lock OR another process has created a lock.

this wrapper allows for a graceful failure of LockRelease errors -- allowing the generated data to still be used.

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