Reflection should use uppercase names to query Oracle dictionaries

Issue #100 resolved
Former user created an issue

Oracle users upper case in it's dictionaries. We should use upper() when consulting Oracle dictionary.

There is also a bug when resolving referenced tables. Table name (string) is treated as table object.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Later, I also found a change to line 176 (missing lower for referred_table):

        remotetable = Table(referred_table.lower(), self, autoload = True)

    Aside from upper/lower issues there is a reference to primary_key0 on the next line. I'm just wandering what if it is a composite primary/foreign key? This is my first hour and a half with SQLAlchemy so somebody else should look into this.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    these are fixed in changeset:1116. note that the engine used when creating a referred Table must be the same engine that is attached to the original Table, since the 'engine' could be a ProxyEngine.

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