sqlite AUTOINCREMENT support for INT PRIMARY KEY column

Issue #1016 resolved
Former user created an issue

sqlite allow use AUTOINCREMENT for PRIMARY KEY constraint, if specified inline with column definition


this can be used only if one column of type INT is used as primary key.

I'v done small patch, which works well for my and I this this might be usefull for others.

Comments (14)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    unfortunately its not that simple. the AUTOINCREMENT keyword changes the behavior of the column and is not the behavior most sqlite users expect (note that sqlite primary key columns already "autoincrement" by applying the current rowid: described at http://www.sqlite.org/autoinc.html ), including that performance suffers. I'd want to go with a flag such as "sqlite_autoincrement=True", which suggests that the **kw system we use for Table objects (i.e., which allows you to say mysql_engine=InnoDB) would be applied to column objects.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    to be clear: Column would receive an __extra_kwargs(**kwargs) method similar to that of Table, which parses keywords of the form <dialect>_<option> and stores them in Column.kwargs - remaining keywords that are not of this form raise an error. The SQLite dialect then reads Column.kwargs['sqlite_autoincrement']('sqlite_autoincrement') instead of Column.autoincrement.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    I think sqlite-autoincrement.patch is such a patch. I wrote it against the 0.6 branch, but it seems to also apply to trunk.

    It doesn't cause any of the tests to fail against either 0.5 or 0.6, although I don't quite understand the test layout well enough to write my own test for this.

    (Also, could you please add broder@mit.edu as a CC on this ticket? thanks)

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Err...that first round was a bit off. This one's a little closer, but in spite of the override of visit_primary_key_constraint in SQLiteDDLCompiler, it still gets visited, so an empty string with an extra trailing comma which is an error in sqlite.

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    this should address the trailing comma issue:

    Index: lib/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py
    --- lib/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py  (revision 6007)
    +++ lib/sqlalchemy/sql/compiler.py  (working copy)
    @@ -829,7 +829,9 @@
             # On some DB order is significant: visit PK first, then the
             # other constraints (engine.ReflectionTest.testbasic failed on FB2)
             if table.primary_key:
    -            text += ", \n\t" + self.process(table.primary_key)
    +            pk = self.process(table.primary_key)
    +            if pk:
    +                text += ", \n\t" + pk
             const = ", \n\t".join(
                             self.process(constraint) for constraint in table.constraints if constraint is not table.primary_key

    also, I would rather have "sqlite_autoincrement" as one of the Table() **kwargs since we already have a mechanism for accepting dialect-specific arguments there, and this is a flag that is once-per-table.

    we also need a test added to test/dialect/sqlite.py which uses assert_sql() to verify the desired SQL is emitted for a CREATE TABLE statement.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Take 3, with the changes you suggested and a few tests.

    I'm not really used to writing SQLAlchemy tests, so I kind of suspect that I got the style and flow completely wrong - feel free to make suggestions.

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