Query aliasing is screwing up the order_by collection ?

Issue #1027 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

need to confirm this:

I couldn't create a simple test case, but I have analyzed the cause of
the problem.

The order_by() method is sent a list as an argument, but the argument
'criterion' becomes a tuple
because of the "def order_by(self, *criterion)" syntax.

in the case of "if self._aliases_tail:" , 'criterion' becomes a list
again, but if _aliases_tail is None it remains a tuple.

Now the cause of the problem is that on the first call to order_by(),
self._aliases_tail exists, and on the 2nd call, following the
reset_joinpoint() call, it is None. Therefore the '_order_by member'
is initialized as a list, and later a tuple is attempted to be
concatenated and hence the failure.

The calling code from my source looks like this:

myquery = Node.query()
myquery = myquery.join('parent', aliased=True)

myquery = myquery.order_by(Node.c.name)                          #
_aliases_tail exists for this call
myquery = myquery.reset_joinpoint().order_by(Node.c.popularity)  #
_aliases_tail is None for this call

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