add link to "cascade" docs, list of possible values for "cascade" in relation() docstring

Issue #1064 resolved
Former user created an issue

There is no single place where the different cascade options are documented. The only way to discern this is to grep the source and find all usages.

Consider your audience when writing (and linking) documentation.

The first mention of cascade is in ormtutorial:

For these behaviors we use two cascade options delete and delete-orphan, using the string-based cascade option to the relation() function

Great! What other options are there? No, nothing else on that page. OK, what about the mappers page? Nope, nothing except non-linked mentions of individual cascade options. Well, off to the API docs!

cascade a string list of cascade rules which determines how persistence operations should be "cascaded" from parent to child.

End of the line. I'll try the source.

class CascadeOptions(object): """Keeps track of the options sent to relation().cascade"""



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