Temporary tables support (including patch)

Issue #1075 resolved
Former user created an issue

I patched in temporary tables support. It was discussed on the mailing list a while back, and you seem to have agreed to a "prefixes" addition to Table, so that's exactly what this patch does. It includes the appropriate unit test.

For a lot of databases, temporary tables are local to connections, so if you document its usage, it should go something like:

db = create_engine('postgres://vomjom:hojachi5@localhost/api') meta = MetaData() conn = db.connect() meta.bind = conn tbl = Table('foo', meta, Column('bar', Integer), prefixes='TEMPORARY') meta.create_all()

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Haha, looks like I'm going to have to change my database password since I included it in my example :)

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