omit support for deprecated container methods if missing on the host vm

Issue #1080 resolved
Former user created an issue

sqlalchemy uses stuff like getslice, setslice, delslice. It's deprecated since python 2.0, I think it's time for it to go away. Also, it's unsupported on pypy and buggy on jython.

Comments (4)

  1. jek

    'uses', no. 'supports', yes. the definitions in the library are wrappers, firing off events if user code invokes them. they can be omitted if the vm doesn't implement them, but so long as user code can call the same method on the vm's list we have to have them as well.

    re-targeting this report to look into vm-sensitive omission.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I don't see a bug here - we did have bugs in our slice implementations of __setitem__ but these have been fixed as part of the py3k upgrade. The slice methods can hang around on those adapters and don't get in anyone's way.

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