BFILE missing from reflected datatypes for Oracle

Issue #1121 resolved
Former user created an issue

The Oracle BFILE (external BLOB) datatype is missing from the dictionary of datatypes that can be reflected. Creating a table with "autoload=True" when that table includes a BFILE column... [BR]

gives this warning...
{{{/ap/python/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.6-py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/engine/ SAWarning: Did not recognize type 'BFILE' of column 'some_column'}}}
{{{  self.dialect.reflecttable(conn, table, include_columns)}}}
{{{    'BFILE' : OracleBinary,}}}
in the ischema_names dictionary in allows a BFILE column to be reflected and retrieved.

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