Session documentation: defaults of create_session() vs. sessionmaker()

Issue #1197 resolved
Former user created an issue

I believe that the defaults of create_session() should be in the documentation. Since they are different than the defaults for sessionmaker, it can be a bit confusing.

Attached is a documentation patch.

Comments (11)

  1. Michael Trier

    Thank you for the patch. My only question is regarding the recommendation. I don't know that it's fair to say that the recommendation is for sessionmaker, it kind of depends on your use case.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    My documentation patch quotes the docstring for create_session(), more or less. As you can see, the create_session docstring recommends against itself:

    def create_session(bind=None, **kwargs):
        """create a new [sqlalchemy.orm.session#Session](sqlalchemy.orm.session#Session).
        The defaults of create_session() are the opposite of
        that of sessionmaker(); autoflush and expire_on_commit
        are false, autocommit is True. 
        In this sense the session acts more like the "classic"
        SQLAlchemy 0.3 session with these defaults.
        It is recommended to use the [sqlalchemy.orm#sessionmaker()](sqlalchemy.orm#sessionmaker()) function
        instead of create_session().

    In any case, the documentation should mention the difference in default values.

    I also suggest to include the reason for the difference. The attached patch file (session.txt.patch_v2) includes a sentence abt. that as well ("create_session() has different default values for autoflush, autocommit and expire_on_commit to be backwards compatible with SQLAlchemy version 0.3."). I am, however, unsure if this statement is correct (i.e. is that the reason?).

  3. Michael Trier
    • assigned issue to

    Thank you for the research on this. I was not aware of the docstring recommendation. I will check with zzzeek on this. Thanks again for the help.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Could someone with "Trac admin" privileges please put me ( in the CC: field for this ticket and ticket 1198. I just noticed it said to do so in the ticket guidelines. Thanks.

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