have type.Numeric not assume any default precision/scale

Issue #1305 resolved
Former user created an issue

When an Oracle NUMBER (without precision and scale arguments) is reflected, it ends up as an {{{OracleNumeric(precision=10, scale=2)}}}, which is way less than what was allowed by the Database. There don't seem to be default values for precision and scale in Oracle itself: a NUMBER always has a precision of 38 and variable scale. (It can hold all kinds of numbers without losing precision: 123, 123.456, 1.23456789, 123456789012345 and so on, up to 38 digits)

Also, the other way round, there is no way of creating such a column type through SQLAlchemy since {{{OracleNumeric()}}} always ends up being {{{OracleNumeric(precision=10, scale=2, asdecimal=True, length=None)}}}.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I haven't had time to test the first issue to confirm this behavior - the values should be received but we don't seem to have a unit test for that. If it is a bug, keep in mind that SQLA has no use for precision and scale other than issuing CREATE TABLE, which is moot here since you are reflecting an existing schema. I would not in any case recommend SQLA's Table construct to be used to "copy" an existing schema - you should use the tools that the database provides to accomplish this since SQLA will never support the full range of schema details supported by the database.

    I also cannot reproduce your second issue - both Numeric(anynumber, anyprec) and OracleNumeric(anynumber, anyprec) faithfully preserve the given values when issuing DDL. You also didn't specify what version of SQLAlchemy. Can you please post a fully working test case and further detail ?

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Replying to zzzeek:

    I haven't had time to test the first issue to confirm this behavior - the values should be received but we don't seem to have a unit test for that. If it is a bug, keep in mind that SQLA has no use for precision and scale other than issuing CREATE TABLE, which is moot here since you are reflecting an existing schema. I would not in any case recommend SQLA's Table construct to be used to "copy" an existing schema - you should use the tools that the database provides to accomplish this since SQLA will never support the full range of schema details supported by the database.

    I also cannot reproduce your second issue - both Numeric(anynumber, anyprec) and OracleNumeric(anynumber, anyprec) faithfully preserve the given values when issuing DDL.

    That's right! If you do specify precision and scale in your SQLA-Column everything is fine. If you reflect a column created with NUMBER(15,5) in Oracle it will be an {{{OracleNumeric(15,5)}}} in SQLAlchemy (0.5.* btw).

    The problem was: if you don't specify a precision/scale in Oracle it will end up as a {{{OracleNumeric(10, 2)}}} in SQLA.

    For example:

    CREATE TABLE test ( col1 NUMBER );

    reflected looks like

    Table('test', <meta>, Column(u'col1', OracleNumeric(precision=10, scale=2, ...) ...)


    On the other Hand:

    Table('test', meta, Column('col1', OracleNumeric())).create()

    ends up as

    CREATE TABLE test (col1 NUMBER(10,2))

    while it should rather be

    CREATE TABLE test (col1 NUMBER)


    Of course, all this isn't too much of a problem unless I try to actually create tables from my SQLA metadata, because, as you said, SQLA doesn't care that much about the precision/scale arguments.

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