Support multipart schema names

Issue #1341 resolved
Former user created an issue

Please find attached some diffs which go towards supporting multipart schema names. Background discussion can be found on a thread on the sqlalchemy group:

I added a couple of new tests in test/dialect/

Comments (8)

  1. Paul Harrington

    Correction. These diffs do break the unit-tests .. I was not running the tests correctly so erroneously thought that they were passing.


  2. Paul Harrington

    The attachment is a patch for so that foreign key columns can have more than three period-separated components. This allows us to refer to tables in other databases. Note that the compiler could will most likely have to be updated so that the schema names are correctly quoted.

  3. Paul Harrington

    Apologies for all the churn on this. The attachment is now a combined patch for and with test cases developed against SQL Server 2008. Development is vastly easier when one is able to use the test-suite!


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