After Session.commit() the enclosing transaction is not activated back

Issue #1345 resolved
Former user created an issue

In {{{}}} we have the {{{Session.commit}}} method:

    def commit(self):
        """Flush pending changes and commit the current transaction.

        If no transaction is in progress, this method raises an

        If a subtransaction is in effect (which occurs when begin() is called
        multiple times), the subtransaction will be closed, and the next call
        to ``commit()`` will operate on the enclosing transaction.

        For a session configured with autocommit=False, a new transaction will
        be begun immediately after the commit, but note that the newly begun
        transaction does *not* use any connection resources until the first
        SQL is actually emitted.

        if self.transaction is None:
            if not self.autocommit:
                raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("No transaction is begun.")


Shouldn't the last line be like the following?

        self.transaction = self.transaction.commit()

The {{{SessionTransaction.commit}}} method returns the parent transaction AFAIK.

Sorry if I'm wrong!

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    it happens here (line 426 approx):

        def close(self):
            self.session.transaction = self._parent
            if self._parent is None:
                for connection, transaction, autoclose in set(self._connections.values()):
                    if autoclose:
                if not self.session.autocommit:
            self.session = None
            self._connections = None

    i.e. the SessionTransaction manages the session's state.

    if you'd like, you can try putting "self.transaction = self.transaction.commit()/rollback()" in the appropriate places and remove the attribute set within SessionTransaction.close(). That does seem to be clearer and it probably used to be that way...which implies there may be a rationale for the current approach (though I'm not sure that there is, Ants Aasma refactored the code at some point).

    In particular the unit tests in test/orm/ and test/orm/, when run against a fully supporting database like postgres, will reveal any areas of functionality that are dependent on the SessoinTransaction.close().

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm not sure if it is worth the effort, especially that, as you say, it was done this way for some reason.

    I propose to add a comment like this:

    patch -p1 <<EOF
    --- a/orm/
    +++ b/orm/
    @@ -670,6 +670,8 @@ class Session(object):
                     raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("No transaction is begun.")
    +        # self.transaction is set to the enclosed transaction by
    +        # SessionTransaction.commit(), if needed.
         def prepare(self):
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