docs formatting bug: unescaped <>, python statements erroneously bundled with SQL output

Issue #1366 resolved
Former user created an issue

In the eagerload() example has two Python statements hidden inside the collapsed SQL thing, with the output of those two statements invisible since the < and > characters aren't escaped.

This is what one sees with the SQL collapsed:

>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import eagerload

>>> jack = session.query(User).options(eagerload('addresses')).filter_by(name='jack').one()

and this is what one sees with the SQL expanded:

SELECT anon_1.users_id AS anon_1_users_id, anon_1.users_name AS
anon_1_users_name, anon_1.users_fullname AS anon_1_users_fullname,
anon_1.users_password AS anon_1_users_password, AS
addresses_1_id, addresses_1.email_address AS addresses_1_email_address,
addresses_1.user_id AS addresses_1_user_id FROM (SELECT AS users_id, AS users_name, users.fullname AS users_fullname, users.password AS
users_password FROM users WHERE = ? LIMIT 2 OFFSET 0) AS anon_1 LEFT
OUTER JOIN addresses AS addresses_1 ON anon_1.users_id = addresses_1.user_id
ORDER BY ['jack']('jack')

>>> jack

>>> jack.addresses
[, ]

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