supply a pre-built comparator on associationproxy instead of requiring homegrown

Issue #1372 resolved
Former user created an issue

Let's consider the example given in the documentation. One can do:


but he can't do:



AttributeError: 'AssociationProxy' object has no attribute 'contains'

That's why, when I use the association_proxy pattern, I also add another view only relation between the two referenced objects (in this case User and Keyword), using the secondary table. I use this relation for selecting, and I use the association_proxy relation for inserting...

This duplication is annoying. I don't know if it's possible to solve the problem, but I want to be able to do:


Comments (9)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I wanted to use the has and any functions on associationproxies, and didn't know about about comparable_property, so I added this to AssociationProxy:

    import sqlalchemy.exceptions as sa_exc
        def any(self, criterion=None, **kwargs):
            if self._target_is_scalar():
                raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("'any()' not implemented for scalar attributes. Use has().")
            return self._get_property().comparator.any(getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).has(criterion, **kwargs))
        def has(self, criterion=None, **kwargs):
            if not self._target_is_scalar():
                raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError("'has()' not implemented for collections.  Use any().")
            return self._get_property().comparator.has(getattr(self.target_class, self.value_attr).has(criterion, **kwargs))

    I'll try using a comparable_property instead now, but if it's possible to implement a general solution for AssociationProxy, I'd be willing to try to figure out the other Comparator functions.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Here's a patch against 26edef4f2483f68d6a527684a6d0aed37554534d that adds proxying of .any(), .has(), .contains(), ==, and != to association_proxies. Lots of tests are included.

    Any thoughts on whether or not this implementation is appropriate?

    Also, please add to the cc list on this ticket. Thanks!

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.6.0

    hey this is a great patch. We just have to work the unittest to use MappedTest, Comparable and eq_ (at the very least speeds up the test to only setup/teardown once for the whole suite) and its good to go.

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