Custom column type can't handle null values correctly

Issue #1419 resolved
Former user created an issue

It could be that I'm just doing this wrong, but I have a custom column type

class JsonColumn( sqlalchemy.types.MutableType,
                  sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator ):
    impl = sqlalchemy.types.Unicode

    # As recommended by:
    def bind_processor(self, dialect):
        def convert(value):
            return self.convert_bind_param(value, dialect)
        return convert

    def result_processor(self, dialect):
        def convert(value):
            return self.convert_result_value(value, dialect)
        return convert

    def convert_bind_param( self, value, engine ):
        return cjson.encode( value )

    def convert_result_value( self, value, engine ):
        if ( value == None or value == '' ):
            value = 'null'
        return cjson.decode( value )

    def copy_value( self, value ):
        return copy.deepcopy( value )

So if I have

Table A:
  id int primary key,
  value_json JsonColumn not null

and attempt to execute table_a.c.value_json == None )

sqlalchemy generates

SELECT, a.value_json FROM a WHERE value_json IS NULL

which isn't what I wanted. However, if I try: table_a.c.value_json == 'null' )

sqlalchemy generates

SELECT, a.value_json FROM a WHERE value_json == '"null"'

which is also incorrect.

The problem seems to be that whether or not {{{== None}}} should be turned into {{{IS NULL}}} depends on the column type. AbstractType.compare_values may be relevant, but it's not documented enough to tell. It looks like the problem is caused by sqlalchemy.sql.expression._CompareMixin, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to fix it based on the column type.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I've never heard of any kind of column in SQL that can be compared to null using col = null. what database backend is this that has a type called "JsonColumn" ?

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Replying to guest:

    which isn't what I wanted. However, if I try:

    {{{ table_a.c.value_json == 'null' ) }}}

    sqlalchemy generates {{{ SELECT, a.value_json FROM a WHERE value_json == '"null"' }}}

    OK I now realize that you'd like to compare your JSON value to the string "null". If you say col == 'null', SQLAlchemy will generate the SQL col = :bindparam and the bindparam will be assigned the string "null". The logic you're doing in the comparison, i.e. converting to the string "null" and then decoding it, is where you're getting '"null"' from. Currently the IS NULL can't be overridden at the type level for boolean comparisons, that is something we may add in 0.6. So make yourself a "null" token to override:

    from sqlalchemy import *
    import sqlalchemy
    import simplejson
    null = object()
    class JsonColumn( sqlalchemy.types.MutableType,
                      sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator ):
        impl = sqlalchemy.types.Unicode
        # As recommended by:
        def bind_processor(self, dialect):
            def convert(value):
                return self.convert_bind_param(value, dialect)
            return convert
        def result_processor(self, dialect):
            def convert(value):
                return self.convert_result_value(value, dialect)
            return convert
        def convert_bind_param( self, value, engine ):
            if value is null:
                value = None
            return simplejson.dumps( value )
        def convert_result_value( self, value, engine ):
            return simplejson.loads( value )
        def copy_value( self, value ):
            return copy.deepcopy( value )
    engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
    m = MetaData(engine)
    t1 = Table('table', m, 
        Column('data', JsonColumn())
        {'data':"a string"},

    I'll add this to that recipe.

    this part doesn't make sense. If you compare

    which is also incorrect.

    The problem seems to be that whether or not {{{== None}}} should be turned into {{{IS NULL}}} depends on the column type. AbstractType.compare_values may be relevant, but it's not documented enough to tell. It looks like the problem is caused by sqlalchemy.sql.expression._CompareMixin, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to fix it based on the column type.

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I've removed all the superfluous stuff from the recipe and updated it for the latest TypeDecorator API.

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