eagerload() needs to target its parent class more closely

Issue #1461 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

i.e. in test_mapper - the below query should not eagerload:

    def test_eagerload_on_other(self):
        sess = create_session()

        child1s = sess.query(Child1).join(Child1.related).options(sa.orm.eagerload(Child1.related)).order_by(Child1.id)

        def go():
                [related=Related(id=1)), Child1(id=2, related=Related(id=2)), Child1(id=3, related=Related(id=3))](Child1(id=1,)
        self.assert_sql_count(testing.db, go, 1)

        c1 = child1s[0](0)

        # this eagerloads, but should not.  it's a bug that will require a rewrite
        # of interfaces.PropertyOption.__get_paths
            lambda: c1.child2, 
            "SELECT base.id AS base_id, child2.id AS child2_id, base.type AS base_type, "
            "related_1.id AS related_1_id FROM base JOIN child2 ON base.id = child2.id "
            "LEFT OUTER JOIN related AS related_1 ON base.id = related_1.id WHERE base.id = :param_1",

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