mapping arbitrary selectable does not use primary_key argument

Issue #1542 resolved
Former user created an issue

If a selectable does not contain a column that is primary key in a base table, then cannot use that selectable in a mapper.

This code

t2 = Table('t2', meta, Column('bar', Integer))
s2 = select([](
class Two(object): pass
mapper(Two, s2, primary_key=[](  # same error using [](

raises exception

argumentError : Mapper Mapper|Two|%(31476816 anon)s could not assemble any primary key columns for mapped table '%(31476816 anon)s'

When 'bar' is a primary key for table 't2', the mapper is successful.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    You missed a warning which states:

       util.warn("mapper %s creating an alias for the given "
                            "selectable.  References to the original selectable "
                            "may be misinterpreted by queries, polymorphic_on, etc. "
                            " Consider passing an explicit selectable.alias() construct instead." % self)

    the only rationale for the alias() is that databases like PG and MySQL require it. so removed the ambiguity here by raising the warning to an error in cf6c66e70ea406a27c4a8d5b79f9c629a62320fc.

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