supporting Access 2007 (patch to file)

Issue #1562 resolved
Former user created an issue


In order to use sqlalchemy 5.2 with Access 2007, i had to modify the file \SQLAlchemy-0.5.6\lib\sqlalchemy\databases\ in the following way: this for suffix in (".36", ".35", ".30"): into that for suffix in (".120", ".36", ".35", ".30"): (to allow using the DAO.DBEngine of office 12) and this connectors = Access Driver (*.mdb)}" into that connectors = Access Driver (.mdb, .accdb)}" (to accept *.accdb files)

I got then a correct connexion to an .accdb (office 2007 database)

Could someone look at this modification ?

thank you


Comments (4)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    access is now external here: I was able to get it to run in a rudimental fashion. It only uses straight pyodbc, so doesn't have the extra stuff you're doing here with daoEngine, which looks interesting as I had major problems getting it to read basic views like msysobjects, though it would be preferable if we could do all of reflection using these views.

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