Session.merge should automatically undefer onupdate columns

Issue #1575 resolved
Former user created an issue

An 'onupdate' attribute on a deferred column causes the deferred column (or its group) to be loaded in a separate SELECT query when using Session.merge.

At the very least, it should be mentioned in the docs to not defer onupdate columns.

Tested on 0.5.2.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed component to orm

    what's an "onupdate" attribute? do you mean a Column that has an "onupdate" function or clause applied ? what does merge() have to do with issuing UPDATE statements, and why would merge() change any defer() settings ?

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    did some testing and can't reproduce this from as far as what I can tell the issue to be. can reopen if a full test case can be attached.

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