KeyError in util.HistoryArraySet.added_items()

Issue #160 resolved
Former user created an issue

OS: Mac 10.3.9

Python: 2.4.1

SQLAlchemy: 0.1.4

This may not be a bug, but rather a misunderstanding of how to use SQLAlchemy. At any rate, the code I present below is likely a better choice.

Scenario: I had two independent tables which were parents in a many-to-many relationship with a third table. The third table could have records created on it independently, and then later queried and added via table1.table3_assoc.append(table3_record). However, when I tried using this, I consistently got the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "[snip](snip)/sqlalchemy/", line 388, in added_items
    return [for key in if self.records[key](key) is True]
  File "[snip](snip)/sqlalchemy/", line 217, in __getitem__
    return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
KeyError: [snip](snip)

Some debugging revealed that most of the times that added_items() was called, and self.records were both none. However, one of the times it was called, there was something in but nothing in self.records.

I simply changed line 384 (333 in current svn) in the following manner:

-- return [for key in if self.records[key](key) is True]
++ return [for key in if self.records.get(key) is True](key)

I noticed there were a few other lines like this in the same file; I didn't mess with those, as I haven't run into any issues... it's worth considering, though: if you're doing a test on truth, you probably want None instead of KeyError.

So, regardless of whether this is a bug or not, the second option is likely a better bet. If I am doing something wrong, then perhaps an exception should be raised at an appropriate point before the KeyError occurs?


P.S. It took all day for me to "decide" (incorrectly?) that this was a bug in SQLAlchemy... don't really have the energy to put together a minimal example with code. If you think that this might be a bug, and that I am using SQLAlchmey correctly, just let me know, and I'll knock something up real quick on another day. I've got a ''lot'' of catching up to do now. Thanks.

Comments (12)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed component to orm

    I know the get() seems like a better option at face value but in fact this would indicate that you somehow have "broken the rules" with the HistoryArraySet; if you have an element in the "data" array which is not in the "records" dictionary, the HistoryArraySet is in an invalid state; all records in "data" must have a corresponding entry in "records" at all times.

    so the "bug" is that you somehow managed to get that to happen, and for that I definitely need to see what youre doing.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Yeah, I was afraid of something like that.

    Even with the heavy delay from yesterday, SQLAlchmey saved me so much time and work, I managed to actually get ahead last night. I will put together a minimal example today and post that.

    Might I make a suggestion though? Instead of having syntax play the role of prevention (without informtion), maybe add a try/except around {{{self.recordskey}}} and on {{{KeyError}}}, raise {{{InvalidHistoryState}}} (with an appropriate message/Error docstring)?

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    oh absolutely, stuff like that should be caught, ill see if I can throw that in. I think you will find though that theres like hundreds of different scenarios all throughout the code where stuff like that will happen, and most of them will eventually need try/excepts as they are identified...such is the nature of Python...

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    An example that runs from the command line and exhibits the described behaviour. Useful docstring at the top of the file.

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    my 2 second impression is that the HistoryArraySet object doesnt have an extend() method (its falling back on the one thats part of UserList). I am running out for a bit, but if you want to try tacking on an extend() method to HistoryArraySet which performs the requisite setrecord() calls in a manner simlar to the other methods, i think the example will get much further.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Hmm... I think I'm missing your first impression -- I'll wait to get that, so that I have a full context :-)

  7. Mike Bayer repo owner

    lines 157 and 166 of your script are using artists.extend(data). HistoryArraySet does not properly implement this method. so you can either: dont use extend() on those two lines; fix the extend() method yourself in HistoryArraySet; or wait for me to get around to it.

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Ooooo! I read "2 second" as "2nd", that's why I said the bit about your "first" impression. Heh.

    Got it! Thanks :-) I will work on that tonight and submit a patch.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Okay, you were right on. It's so trivial a fix to {{{sqlalchemy.util.HistoryArraySet}}}, that it would take more effort to download and apply the patch that to simply edit it by hand. Here's all I did:

    @@ -376,6 +376,9 @@
         def insert(self, i, item): 
             if self._setrecord(item):
       , item)
    +    def extend(self, item_list):
    +        for item in item_list:
    +            self.append(item)
         def pop(self, i=-1):
             item =[i](i)
             if self._delrecord(item):
    @@ -463,4 +466,4 @@

    This approach is based on my limited understanding of SQLAlchemy internals. My reasoning goes like this:

    Looking at {{{HistoryArraySet.append()}}}, before an item gets inserted into {{{}}}, there needs to be a check that the same item exists in {{{self._setrecord}}}. So it seems iteration over the list is required, and one can't simply use {{{super(HistoryArraySet, self).extend(item)}}}.

    With the application of this change, the {{{KeyError}}} issue is addressed and the (updated) example runs without problems.

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