memory leak by using relation with backref

Issue #168 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I try to use objects linked by relation with backref memory is not released neither after objectstore.flush() nor objectstore.clear() nor objectstore.expunge() nor gc.collect() When I break backref relation memory cleared by gc.collect() good. Bug reproduced by usage User/Address objects from your tests.

for i in xrange(1000):
  for j in xrange(1000):
    u = User() = str(randint(0, 100000000))
    for k in xrange(10):
      a = Address()
      a.email_address = str(randint(0, 100000000))
      a.user = u

with backrefs memory grows intensivelly and does not released

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    thanks for the full test ;)

    anyway, this issue goes around and around....everyone has an opinion on how objects should work, and the solution for each person's issue breaks the other one. mainly #129. but this time, i bit the bullet and read the pickle docs (pickle? huh?) and so now i think its solved.

    here are the conflicting requirements:

    • object instances need to have associated information about their attributes, since SA uses this to track changes. the state of a single instance's attribute is stored in an object called a ManagedAttribute.
    • the ManagedAttribute must be able to locate the object to which it is attached.
    • this association cannot be a circular reference on an object instance by default, since people really like cPythons behavior that non-circular objects get zapped immediately without having the garbage collector run (they really like it...).
    • you cant put a weakref directly on the instance anywhere since objects need to be pickled and you cant pickle weakrefs.

    So, Ive been playing on and off with all these various module-level Weak(Key|Value)Dictionaries to associate the instances with ManagedAttributes. But from this issue, it is now clear that when you create a circular reference between two instances, i.e. a.b = b, b.a = a, the garbage collector's "locate the circular reference" logic gets screwed up if those instances have strong references elsewhere, namely in the WeakKeyDictionary I was using, since one side of a WeakXXXXDictionary always has a strong reference.

    So, big duh, I took all that crap out, spent 5 minutes re-reading the pickle docs and put __getstate__ and __setstate__ methods on the base ManagedAttribute class, problem solved.

    tests for this:

    • test/ - a unittest that tests that managed objects can be pickled
    • test/ - a unittest loads 25000 objects from the database, 100 at a time, and insures only 100 objects stay in memory at one time
    • test/ - a non-unit test (just a python script) that runs a simplified behavior of the test case attached to this ticket; watch "top" while it runs.

    changeset changeset:1345

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