"values" keyword argument of insert() clobbered by defaults

Issue #169 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

test case:

from sqlalchemy import *
    Column('id', Integer, nullable=False,primary_key=True),
    Column('name', String, nullable=False,default='anon'),
    Column('familyname', String, nullable=False,default='anon'),
    Column('registered', DateTime,nullable=False,default='1980-12-10 00:00:00')
#    Column('registered', DateTime,nullable=False) # uncomment this to make it work
insert=t1.insert(values=dict(familyname='simpson', registered="1960-09-15 12:30:10"))
# this works too
#insert.execute(name='bart', registered="1960-09-15 12:30:10") 
for r in result:
    print r

the typical way to do "insert" is that all the bind parameter values are supplied to the execute() method, so this is not a huge deal, but the parameters bound to a compiled object should be reconciled with the runtime parameters. interestingly, the example works if you create a compiled object with the binds directly:

insert=t1.insert().compile(engine=e, parameters=dict(familyname='simpson', registered="1960-09-15 12:30:10"))

so that would imply its definitely something local to the way the Insert object processes the "values" parameter.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks for your detailed response to ticket:165. Thats helped me loads.

    Insert and Update do not propogate the values captured in __init__ to execute. They are captured during __init__ and discarded. The Executor wrapper, used by ClauseElement to manage the compile, which has a back ref to the clause element, doesn't pull them through in any way either. What am I missing ?

    I might abandon this now and wait for somone who knows what they are doing to have a look. Everything else is excelent and I don't urgently need values/defaults to be as flexible as this ticket and ticket:120 would make them.

    Trying not to obssesse over compile but this section from the docs had me thinking of them as a kind of curry function for SQL statements: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/sqlconstruction.myt#constructing_bindparams_precompiling

    • file:repro_insertupdate_issues.py
    • file:ticket_169_tentative_fix.patch

    With the attatched patch I have values, ColumnDefaults and PassiveDefaults playing nicely together. The only thing that doesn't work in the repro case, also attatched, is precompiled updates (I think I need to look at the onupdate column flag more closely). The repro case runs the whole lot through both sqlite & mysql.

    The patch includes, and requires, the change I submited as a patch for ticket:165.

    Don't understand why I need to comment out engine in alltests.py in order to run the tests (with or without patch!).

    pre patch I get a single test failure & 10 errors, teststandalone (defaults.SequenceTest).

    With the patch I get 4 fails & 11 errors:

    FAIL: testinsert (defaults.DefaultTest)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/robin/devel/sqlalchemy/test/defaults.py", line 86, in testinsert
    FAIL: teststandalone (defaults.SequenceTest)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/robin/devel/sqlalchemy/test/defaults.py", line 134, in teststandalone
        self.assert_(x == 1)
    FAIL: testrefresh (mapper.MapperTest)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/robin/devel/sqlalchemy/test/mapper.py", line 102, in testrefresh
        self.assert_(u.user_name == 'jack')
    FAIL: testinsert (objectstore.DefaultTest)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/robin/devel/sqlalchemy/test/objectstore.py", line 435, in testinsert
    Ran 225 tests in 7.422s
    FAILED (failures=4, errors=11)
  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    sorry, this is not quite how it works. a Compiled object consists of two basic things: the string version of the statement, and a dictionary of all compiled-in parameters. these parameters are populated by three distinct sources: the parameters that are assocaited with the ClauseElement object (i.e. the VALUES/SET parameters added to the Insert/Update in this case), the parameters that are passed to the Compiler constructor, and a "None" placeholder corresponding to the defaults placed upon Columns in Tables that are being inserted or updated. the full structure of parameters to be executed is then accessible via the get_params() method off the Compiled object, which itself takes another dictionary of values that can be used to override the compiled-in parameters.

    it is the category of "None placeholder corresponding to column defaults" that was most recently added, and is the sole source of this issue. it occurs entirely at the level of get_params() returning the wrong results, independently of any subsequent execution.

    I have checked in a fix for this particular issue which places the "create None placeholders for defaults" step at a slightly different place in the organizing of bind parameters so that they dont clobber the built-in binds. this code started as something a lot simpler and has been added onto in order to support new features; this is why its hard to follow. but it takes place entirely in in ansisql.py.

    also added some unittests to defaults.py for this. changeset changeset:1353.

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