does not work with multi-inserts

Issue #1748 resolved
Former user created an issue

If I use the following code execute inserts one at a time where one of the values is, I get the expected result:

        qi_sess_t = table.pl_QueryInvocation_Session
        for qi_pg in queryInvocationsAndPages:
            if ( not isinstance( qi_pg, tuple ) ):
            stmt = qi_sess_t.insert().values( {
                'queryInvocation_id': qi_pg[ 0 ].id,
                } )
            session.bind.echo = True
            session.execute( stmt )
            session.bind.echo = False


2010-03-25 20:57:53,923:  INFO      sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...bccL  INSERT INTO `pl_QueryInvocation_Session` (`queryInvocation_id`, session_id, `createdAt`) VALUES (%s, %s, now())
2010-03-25 20:57:53,924:  INFO      sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...bccL  [3211L](30076L,)

However, if I try to use the executemany form, doesn't seem to be handled (compiled?) correctly:

        qi_sess_t = table.pl_QueryInvocation_Session
        stmt = qi_sess_t.insert()
        values = [           'queryInvocation_id': qi_pg[ 0 ]({
            for qi_pg in queryInvocationsAndPages
            if ( isinstance( qi_pg, tuple ) )
        session.bind.echo = True
        session.execute( stmt, values )
        session.bind.echo = False


2010-03-25 20:57:53,925:  INFO      sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...bccL  INSERT INTO `pl_QueryInvocation_Session` (`queryInvocation_id`, session_id, `createdAt`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
2010-03-25 20:57:53,926: INFO       sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...bccL  [3211L, < at 0xb673f6ac; now>]([30061L,), [3211L, < at 0xb673ff4c; now>](30062L,), [3211L, < at 0xb673f0ac; now>](30063L,), [3211L, < at 0xb673f4ec; now>](30064L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6706c4c; now>](30065L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6706bac; now>](30066L,), [3211L, < at 0xb67060cc; now>](30067L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670696c; now>](30068L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670672c; now>](30069L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6742c2c; now>](30070L,), [3211L, < at 0xb674246c; now>](30071L,), [3211L, < at 0xb67428ac; now>](30072L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6759e6c; now>](30073L,), [3211L, < at 0xb67591ac; now>](30074L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670f64c; now>](30075L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670fb8c; now>](30076L,)]
2010-03-25 20:57:53,926:  INFO      sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...bccL  [3211L, < at 0xb673f6ac; now>]([30061L,), [3211L, < at 0xb673ff4c; now>](30062L,), [3211L, < at 0xb673f0ac; now>](30063L,), [3211L, < at 0xb673f4ec; now>](30064L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6706c4c; now>](30065L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6706bac; now>](30066L,), [3211L, < at 0xb67060cc; now>](30067L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670696c; now>](30068L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670672c; now>](30069L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6742c2c; now>](30070L,), [3211L, < at 0xb674246c; now>](30071L,), [3211L, < at 0xb67428ac; now>](30072L,), [3211L, < at 0xb6759e6c; now>](30073L,), [3211L, < at 0xb67591ac; now>](30074L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670f64c; now>](30075L,), [3211L, < at 0xb670fb8c; now>](30076L,)]
/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3c1-py2.6-linux-i686.egg/MySQLdb/ DeprecationWarning: functions overriding warnings.showwarning() must support the 'line' argument
/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3c1-py2.6-linux-i686.egg/MySQLdb/ Warning: Data truncated for column 'createdAt' at row 1

I'm using python 2.6, sqlalchemy 0.5.6, and mysql 5.1

Comments (2)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Oops, please ignore the second line of the second output - meant to clean that up.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Hi there -

    the "" expression is not a bind value, it must be present within the statement itself.

    correct usage:

    stmt = table.insert().values(
    values = [   {'queryid':queryid, 'sessionid':sessionid} for queryid, sessionid in collection
    session.execute(stmt, values)

    hope this helps.

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