Issue #1833 resolved
Former user created an issue

MSSQL provides a text 'MAX' keyword that specifies the maximum length of binary data in a column. However currently the length parameter to a VARBINARY can only be empty or a number. This means that the following code will not work:

t = Table('test', metadata, Column('data', VARBINARY(40))) t.data.cast(VARBINARY('MAX'))

As suggested here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3068129/define-a-varbinarymax-column-using-sqlalchemy-on-ms-sql-server the addition in dialects\mssql\base.py adding of the following method to MSTypeCompiler solves this problem:

def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_): if type_.length == 'MAX': return "VARBINARY(MAX)" else: return "VARBINARY(%d)" % type_.length

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Please note that this should also be done for {{{NVARCHAR(MAX)}}}. Also the {{{MAX}}} should support case-insensitive comparison.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.7.0

    we've got most of this in 0.7, just need to add VARBINARY:

    diff -r 4f1274fc1fc675e2a482b68d658b36597f243c31 lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/base.py
    --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/base.py Wed Feb 02 19:03:20 2011 -0500
    +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mssql/base.py Thu Feb 03 11:02:17 2011 -0500
    @@ -586,6 +586,10 @@
             return self._extend("NVARCHAR", type_, 
                         length = type_.length or 'max')
    +    def visit_VARBINARY(self, type_):
    +        return "VARBINARY" + (type_.length and "(%d)" 
    +                    % type_.length or "max")
         def visit_date(self, type_):
             if self.dialect.server_version_info < MS_2008_VERSION:
                 return self.visit_DATETIME(type_)
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