Oracle ROWID type support

Issue #1879 resolved
Former user created an issue

It would be great if SQLA supported ROWID type for oracle.

Currently I've implemented this in my code:

class ROWID(Unicode):

def compile_rowid(compiler, element, **kw):
    return "ROWID"

But a problem I've having is that when "supports_unicode_binds == False" (in my case, with oracle 8), I need ROWID to be of type cx_Oracle.STRING instead of cx_Oracle.UNICODE, or else I get a DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-12704: character set mismatch

If I subclass from String: class ROWID(String), then it works on oracle 8, but sqla complains about "Unicode type received non-unicode bind param value"

I wonder, does cx_Oracle have a ROWID type?

Another note: ROWIDs are apparently always 18 characters:

Comments (7)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    cx_Oracle documentation does have cx_Oracle.ROWID... that better than using cx_Oracle.STRING or cx_Oracle.UNICODE?

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    For the DBAPI type issue, you just need to override get_dbapi_type() on your ROWID class appropriately. But beyond that, I don't see why you'd need to subclass Unicode and not String for ROWID, or even why you need to subclass either of those - how about TypeEngine or UserDefinedType ?

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.6.4

    this is easy to add but can you show me how you're using ROWID as a type? is it for CAST ?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Replying to zzzeek:

    this is easy to add but can you show me how you're using ROWID as a type? is it for CAST ?

    My implementation (after your suggestion) is virtually exactly what you've implemented:

    class ROWID(TypeEngine):
        def get_dbapi_type(self, dbapi):
            return dbapi.ROWID
    def compile_rowid(compiler, element, **kw):
        return "ROWID"

    Answering your question, I am using this for: * a couple tables where I'm using implicit_returning. These are actually views to a table with no primary key (and I am unable to add such a key as it is a legacy database not directly under my control), so the view maps ROWID as a primary key column for sqla. * it is also used in a polymorphic union, where it is rendered like "CAST(NULL AS ROWID) AS transactionid," on one side of the union where the column doesn't exist.

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