Updated locally-modified sphinx.sty

Issue #1911 resolved
Former user created an issue

Find attached the file updated to be up to date with the advances made in Sphinx since the last re-synch to the current 1.0.x status.

This fixes some overlapped text in a few sections of PDF version of the SA manual. Will attach a couple of screenshots later.

I'm willing to help with the alleged PDF output problems, just need to know what they are (if there is any remaining.)

(found this while preparing to print a copy of the manual.)

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Attached two one-page PDF files extracted from their respective full documents. Note the following differences:

    • The overlapping text in the get_table_options() method description is fixed.
    • Signature text of all method signatures is fixed.

    PDFs files were created with Sphinx 1.0.3

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Oh sorry, I forgot about the latex execution pause when creating the pdf file because of that deeply nested. I guess I got accustomed to press 'r<Enter>' :).

    I wanted to note I only ported the modifications you had in the file to the new upstream contents:

    --- ../../../sphinx/sphinx/texinputs/sphinx.sty 2010-08-23 21:00:42.000000000 -0300
    +++ texinputs/sphinx.sty        2010-09-10 08:26:57.000000000 -0300
    @@ -153,28 +153,10 @@
    -  % list starts new par, but we don't want it to be set apart vertically
    -  \bgroup\parskip=0pt%
    -  \smallskip%
    -  % The list environement is needed to control perfectly the vertical
    -  % space.
    -  \list{}{%
    -  \setlength\parskip{0pt}%
    -  \setlength\itemsep{0ex}%
    -  \setlength\topsep{0ex}%
    -  \setlength\partopsep{0pt}%
    -  \setlength\leftmargin{0pt}%
    -  }%
    -  \item\MakeFramed {\FrameRestore}%
    -     \small%
    -  \endMakeFramed%
    -  \endlist%
    -  % close group to restore \parskip
    -  \egroup%

    From the thread you posted it seems these changes are, coincidentally, related to the same issue. Will keep working on this.

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    no activity here, sticking with our current pdf for now, if anyone wants to improve, feel free

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