cx_oracle decimal parsing depends on non european NLS_LANG numeric format

Issue #1953 resolved
Former user created an issue

When numbers are not formatted using a decimal point, the decimal detection fails.

Comments (9)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.6.6

    There is a workaround for this, but may I suggest that the GERMAN setting on NLS_LANG is going to cause more problems than that. Decimal binds will not work either, and that is a cx_oracle issue:

    import os
    import cx_Oracle
    import decimal
    os.environ["NLS_LANG"]("NLS_LANG") = "GERMAN"
    dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn('localhost', '1521', 'xe')
    conn = cx_Oracle.connect('scott', 'tiger', dsn)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.execute("select :foo from dual", foo=decimal.Decimal("56.5"))
    print cursor.fetchall()

    for the above, we could add more handlers to accommodate but this will add latency to all queries. I'd ask why you can't at least set NLS_LANG to "GERMAN_AMERICA", because for SQLA to work around this is not going to be pretty.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the patch which repairs non-US decimal strings as results is:

    diff -r f86d8a877ba774434b294a7e94470ccdf2c52944 lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/
    --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/   Sun Oct 24 16:08:14 2010 -0400
    +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/   Mon Oct 25 10:33:31 2010 -0400
    @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
     from datetime import datetime
     import random
     from decimal import Decimal
    +import re
     class _OracleNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric):
         def bind_processor(self, dialect):
    @@ -473,28 +474,48 @@
                     self.dbapi.BLOB: oracle.BLOB(),
                     self.dbapi.BINARY: oracle.RAW(),
    +    @classmethod
    +    def dbapi(cls):
    +        import cx_Oracle
    +        return cx_Oracle
         def initialize(self, connection):
             super(OracleDialect_cx_oracle, self).initialize(connection)
             if self._is_oracle_8:
                 self.supports_unicode_binds = False
    +        self._detect_decimal_char(connection)
    -    @classmethod
    -    def dbapi(cls):
    -        import cx_Oracle
    -        return cx_Oracle
    +    def _detect_decimal_char(self, connection):
    +        conn = connection.connection
    +        outputtypehandler = conn.outputtypehandler
    +        conn.outputtypehandler = None
    +        try:
    +            cursor = conn.cursor()
    +            cursor.numbersAsStrings = 1
    +            cursor.execute("SELECT 0.1 FROM DUAL")
    +            val = cursor.fetchone()[0](0)
    +            cursor.close()
    +            char = re.match(r"([\.,](\.,))", val).group(1)
    +            if char != '.':
    +                _detect_decimal = self._detect_decimal
    +                self._detect_decimal = lambda value: _detect_decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
    +                self._to_decimal = lambda value: Decimal(value.replace(char, '.'))
    +        finally:
    +            conn = outputtypehandler
    +    def _detect_decimal(self, value):
    +        if "." in value:
    +            return Decimal(value)
    +        else:
    +            return int(value)
    +    _to_decimal = Decimal
         def on_connect(self):
             if self.cx_oracle_ver < (5,):
                 # no output type handlers before version 5
    -        def maybe_decimal(value):
    -            if "." in value:
    -                return Decimal(value)
    -            else:
    -                return int(value)
             cx_Oracle = self.dbapi
             def output_type_handler(cursor, name, defaultType, size, precision, scale):
                 # convert all NUMBER with precision + positive scale to Decimal
    @@ -503,7 +524,7 @@
                     return cursor.var(
    -                            outconverter=Decimal, 
    +                            outconverter=self._to_decimal, 
                 # if NUMBER with zero precision and 0 or neg scale, this appears
                 # to indicate "ambiguous".  Use a slower converter that will 
    @@ -515,7 +536,7 @@
                     return cursor.var(
    -                            outconverter=maybe_decimal, 
    +                            outconverter=self._detect_decimal, 
                 # allow all strings to come back natively as Unicode
                 elif defaultType in (cx_Oracle.STRING, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR):
  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    well good news, the handling of Decimal() as a bind was fixed in cx_oracle 5.0.3. going to check if we should be doing something for the receive side.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Replying to zzzeek:

    I'd ask why you can't at least set NLS_LANG to "GERMAN_AMERICA", because for SQLA to work around this is not going to be pretty.

    I can do that without problems. I just wanted to report this problem so that it could be avoided for other users, or a helpful error message could be added for that case.

    • Karl Bartel
  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    thanks for the response. In fact I think it will be OK since cx_oracle itself did a similar workaround for its Decimal bind handling, i.e. handling the decimal point alone is sufficient. If I can clean up the above patch, and add a note to the documentation that at least cx_oracle 5.0.3 is needed for european decimal points on the bind parameter side, it should be OK.

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