Memory leak in cprocessors UnciodeResultProcessor

Issue #1981 resolved
Former user created an issue

(original reporter: ged) It needs a dealloc method. See #1978. I don't have time to fix this right now, but should be able to get to it next week, if nobody beats me to it...

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    (original author: taavi) Yeah, I couldn't get the DecimalResultProcessor to leak string parameters in the tests either, but when running our pylons app without providing that dealloc method memory was still leaking. Providing a dealloc method for DecimalResultProcessor stopped the leak in my full-system load tests.

    But I didn't even look to provide one to the UnicodeResultProcessor, because it wasn't leaking. Of course, that might have something to do with the db driver (python-mysql) and the unicode settings we have.

    I suspect the implementation difference between the {{{"%%.%df" % x}}} dynamically created string fed to DecimalStringProcessor and the probably-static string provided to UnicodeResultProcessor also leads to one leaking in practice while the other doesn't.

    But yeah, consistency and following the recommended code structure's a good thing. :)

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