types.BINARY behavior in sqlite3 is unexpected

Issue #2110 resolved
Former user created an issue

Specifying types.BINARY for an sqlite3 column results in a NUMERIC field, a simple solution would be to convert all BINARY fields to BLOB.

The attached patch does this.

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Several points here:

    1. SQLIte has no awareness of BINARY/BLOB at the column declaration level. You could call the type "DOG" and it accepts any style of data on a per-column basis. Here is an example:

      #!python import sqlite3 import binascii

      conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") cursor = conn.cursor()

      cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test ( a BINARY, b BLOB, c INTEGER, d DOG ) """)

      data = \ '789c2d954b121d350c45e7bd12129cc292fc4d522936c18c82193b604465ef9cd'\ '3c9c0cf7eb66c5d5d5da97f8fbbeaf92f67f59655a3e5aef1fc737a3d1f224f0b'\ '19d36f56aa0ebc7e2e56a7b1707975b93abfbdee7d70941333ba82f335948ff6bc'

      data = binascii.unhexlify(data)

      cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test (a, b, c, d) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", sqlite3.Binary(data), sqlite3.Binary(data), sqlite3.Binary(data))

      cursor.execute("SELECT a, b, c, d FROM test") row = cursor.fetchone()

      for elem in row: assert str(elem) == data

    2. A test using SQLAlchemy constructs also illustrates no issue among all three variants of binary (note the SQLA binary types are doing the required "sqlite3.Binary" call here):

      #!python from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.types import BINARY, LargeBinary, BLOB import binascii

      engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)

      t = Table("test", MetaData(), Column("a", BINARY), Column("b", LargeBinary), Column("c", BLOB), ) t.create(engine)

      data = \ '789c2d954b121d350c45e7bd12129cc292fc4d522936c18c82193b604465ef9cd'\ '3c9c0cf7eb66c5d5d5da97f8fbbeaf92f67f59655a3e5aef1fc737a3d1f224f0b'\ '19d36f56aa0ebc7e2e56a7b1707975b93abfbdee7d70941333ba82f335948ff6bc'

      data = binascii.unhexlify(data)

      engine.execute(t.insert(), a=data, b=data, c=data)

      row = engine.execute(t.select()).fetchone()

      for elem in row: assert str(elem) == data


    2011-03-28 16:54:27,504 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine 
    CREATE TABLE test (
        a BINARY, 
        b BLOB, 
        c BLOB
    INSERT INTO test (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    (<read-only buffer for 0x11b19f8, size -1, offset 0 at 0x11ae9a0>, 
    <read-only buffer for 0x11b19f8, size -1, offset 0 at 0x11ae960>, <read-only buffer for 0x11b19f8, size -1, offset 0 at 0x11ae920>)
    SELECT test.a, test.b, test.c 
    FROM test
    1. The point of an UPPERCASE type in SQLAlchemy is that you get exactly the type you requested, so no "switching" of types is done at that level. You should be using LargeBinary if you'd like SQLalchemy to interpret the target type in a generic way towards the target database. The SQLite dialect renders 'BLOB' when using LargeBinary.

    No test case attached here otherwise so this is "worksforme".

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