"distinct on" + subquery

Issue #2142 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue
diff -r dac31fa95b4416316e8b7c419b08410c42c0b287 test/dialect/test_postgresql.py
--- a/test/dialect/test_postgresql.py   Fri Apr 15 00:43:01 2011 -0400
+++ b/test/dialect/test_postgresql.py   Thu Apr 21 12:27:42 2011 -0500
@@ -1214,6 +1214,32 @@
            'SELECT DISTINCT ON (mytable.id, mytable.a) mytable.id, '
            'mytable.a \nFROM mytable')

+    def test_distinct_on_subquery(self):
+        t1 = Table('mytable1', MetaData(testing.db), Column('id',
+                  Integer, primary_key=True), Column('a', String(8)))
+        t2 = Table('mytable2', MetaData(testing.db), Column('id',
+                  Integer, primary_key=True), Column('a', String(8)))
+        sq = select([t1](t1)).alias()
+        q = select([t2.c.id,sq.c.id](t2.c.id,sq.c.id), distinct=sq.c.id).where(t2.c.id==sq.c.id)
+        self.assert_compile(
+            q,
+            "SELECT DISTINCT ON (anon_1.id) mytable2.id, anon_1.id "
+            "FROM mytable2, (SELECT mytable1.id AS id, mytable1.a AS a "
+            "FROM mytable1) AS anon_1 "
+            "WHERE mytable2.id = anon_1.id"
+            )
+        sq = select([t1](t1)).alias('sq')
+        q = select([t2.c.id,sq.c.id](t2.c.id,sq.c.id), distinct=sq.c.id).where(t2.c.id==sq.c.id)
+        self.assert_compile(
+            q,
+            "SELECT DISTINCT ON (sq.id) mytable2.id, sq.id "
+            "FROM mytable2, (SELECT mytable1.id AS id, mytable1.a AS a "
+            "FROM mytable1) AS sq "
+            "WHERE mytable2.id = sq.id"
+            )
    def test_schema_reflection(self):
        """note: this test requires that the 'test_schema' schema be
        separate and accessible by the test user"""

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