missing test for create_all()?

Issue #2156 resolved
Former user created an issue

i tried to run moin2 with pypy 1.5. it mostly works, just the sqlalchemy create_all() call is failing. other people confirmed that they have same behaviour. if one does create_all() with cpython, the rest works quite ok with pypy.

the pypy devs say pypy runs the sqlalchemy test suite with 0 errors for them, so it looks like you are maybe not doing a test for that.

I've attached the traceback I get for your information (but, if it is a pypy bug, of course the pypy devs have to fix it - the bug report is just for the missing test).

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed component to sql
    • assigned issue to
    • changed milestone to 0.7.0

    interesting that this is 1.5, just released. the unit tests call create_all() hundreds of times and they all work fine. Need a test script + database in use.

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