remove SQLSoup in 0.8

Issue #2262 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    I'm already working on a external library which adds pretty much the same functionality of SqlSoup to SQLAlchemy and also maps relationships automatically.

    I'm using declarative base and scoped_session for that purpose, also a tiny mixin in order to enhance the Mapped objects to do some tricks like SqlSoup objects do.

    It's something I've been developing for a Python Web Framework I'm building for Rapid Application Development, something like a Rails for Python.

    If you guys can help and summon the community, I think it's a way to continue the development of a automatic mapper for SQLA without compromising the efforts of the main developers. Also I could use some ideas for performance and functionality improvements. The code is very easy and it is in the very early stage, although it already maps automatically the tables and basic relationships and is somewhat usable.

    Please take a look at the pre-alpha code at:

    and Fork it! ;)


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