Searching documentation no longer working

Issue #2359 resolved
Wichert Akkerman created an issue

Searching the documentation no longer returns any results (for example this query). This appears to be due to javascript errors. For example searchtools.js has this in it:

{{ search_language_stemming_code|safe }}


var stopwords = {{ search_language_stop_words }};

which suggest that some templating step is not being run.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Even the readthedocs build is doing it so I'm going to suggest some new magic is needed in by sphinx. This would be the second time on this sphinx version we've had a surprise.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    note I've hand-moved a good searchtools.js onto the site for the moment as I don't have time to fix this now.

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