MySQL: reflect on PARTITIONs is noisy

Issue #2376 resolved
George V. Reilly created an issue

Reflecting on a partitioned MySQL table yields a lot of noisy warnings.

Create a table using the attached file partition_table.sql, which creates a table per

Run the attached Python script, It should print output like

$ python 
sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ SAWarning: Unknown schema content: u'/*!50100 PARTITION BY RANGE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(actual_action_time_utc))'
  return parser.parse(sql, charset)
sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ SAWarning: Unknown schema content: u'(PARTITION p201112 VALUES LESS THAN (1325404800) ENGINE = InnoDB,'
  return parser.parse(sql, charset)
sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ SAWarning: Unknown schema content: u' PARTITION p201201 VALUES LESS THAN (1328083200) ENGINE = InnoDB,'
  return parser.parse(sql, charset)
sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ SAWarning: Unknown schema content: u' PARTITION p201202 VALUES LESS THAN (1330588800) ENGINE = InnoDB,'
  return parser.parse(sql, charset)
sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ SAWarning: Unknown schema content: u' PARTITION p209912 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE ENGINE = InnoDB) */'
  return parser.parse(sql, charset)

Reproduced with MySQL 5.5.10.

The following patch "fixes" it, since the code "punts" on reflecting over partitions:

diff -r 7026ffe57c76821af3f1d5d01721e4035dc82de9 lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/
--- a/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ Thu Jan 12 00:49:02 2012 -0500
+++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ Tue Jan 17 14:20:01 2012 -0800
@@ -2560,8 +2560,7 @@
         # punt!
         self._re_partition = _re_compile(
-            r'  '
-            r'(?:SUB)?PARTITION')
+            r'(?:.*)(?:SUB)?PARTITION(?:.*)')

         # Table-level options (COLLATE, ENGINE, etc.)
         # Do the string options first, since they have quoted strings we need to get rid of.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed component to mysql
    • changed milestone to 0.7.5

    looks good, seems like that regexp already intended to do this, but in this case needs to be widened. reflection tests still pass for mysql.

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