If an Oracle column is marked quote=True, the bind parameter should also be quoted

Issue #2437 resolved
Former user created an issue

After reporting #2435, I attempted to workaround by passing the Column quote=True. However, that ultimately isn't good enough because Oracle gets upset about the reserved word being a bind parameter:

The column "level" is marked quote=True, so the column name is quoted, but bind param isn't:

 DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name
[Mar 15 11:22:12 2012](Thu) [error](error) [](client)  'INSERT INTO filterrows (filterid, sequence, startsgroup, field, operator, usertext, userdate, endsgroup, conjunction, "level") VALUES (:filterid, :sequence, :startsgroup, :field, :operator, :usertext, :userdate, :endsgroup, :conjunction, :level)' {'usertext': '', 'userdate': None, 'level': 0, 'sequence': 0, 'filterid': 'Trucked', 'field': 'orderid', 'startsgroup': 'N', 'operator': 'NN', 'conjunction': 'first', 'endsgroup': 'N'}

(low priority since I intend to take the fix from #2435)

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