Double quoting of auto-increment index in mysql/innodb

Issue #2460 resolved
Jeff Dairiki created an issue


from sqlalchemy import *

meta = MetaData()
table = Table('table', meta,
              Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=False),
              Column('order', Integer, primary_key=True),

def dump(sql, *args, **kwargs):
    print sql.compile(dialect=engine.dialect)

engine = create_engine('mysql://', strategy='mock', executor=dump)

table.create(engine, checkfirst=False)

which produces:

CREATE TABLE `table` (
    PRIMARY KEY (id, `order`), 
    KEY `idx_autoinc_order`(``order``)

Note the extra quotes around {{{order}}} in the {{{idx_autoinc_order}}} index.

I will attach my guess at a patch.

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    it looks like the quoting of reserved word "order" is conflicting with the assumption that the name needs to be quoted unconditionally.

    Is it the case here that the quoting is not needed for non-reserved word in:

      KEY `idx_autoinc_id`(some_column)


    if so, then this is the right patch.

    otherwise, if quotes are required unconditionally (also let's consider MySQL 4 versions too), the solution would be to remove the call to preparer.format_column().

    If you can check on this that would help a lot ! thanks

  2. Jeff Dairiki reporter

    In mysql 5.1, at least, the quotes are not needed except around names which are not reserved words. (I just tested this.) (The idx_autoinc_id doesn't need quotes either.)

    I'm pretty sure all mysqls are like this, but I don't have a mysql4 handy to test on. From the 4.1 docs:

    An identifier may be quoted or unquoted. If an identifier contains special characters or is a reserved word, you must quote it whenever you refer to it. The set of alphanumeric characters from the current character set, “_”, and “$” are not special. Reserved words are listed at Section 8.3, “Reserved Words”. (Exception: A reserved word that follows a period in a qualified name must be an identifier, so it need not be quoted.)

    Apparently even back-ticks are legal characters within names, so long as they are quoted. So you can't just wrap the name in backticks — any backticks in the name itself have to be doubled. I haven't checked to see if {{{.preparer.format_column()}}} does that (I'd guess so); but the quoting of the idx_autoinc_id is apparently broken (and my patch does not fix that.) ... :-/

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    so we might consider this patch:

    diff -r 4cb74452fe551c3d4f0dd305bee1e69dbdccd99a lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/
    --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ Thu Apr 05 14:31:28 2012 -0400
    +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/ Sun Apr 08 10:11:12 2012 -0400
    @@ -1395,8 +1395,10 @@
                     auto_inc_column is not list(table.primary_key)[0](0):
                 if constraint_string:
                     constraint_string += ", \n\t"
    -            constraint_string += "KEY `idx_autoinc_%s`(`%s`)" % (, \
    -                            self.preparer.format_column(auto_inc_column))
    +            constraint_string += "KEY %s (%s)" % (
    +                    self.preparer.quote("idx_autoinc_%s" %, None), 
    +                    self.preparer.format_column(auto_inc_column)
    +            )
             return constraint_string

    or we could go the other way and just quote unconditionally. it's what mysqldump does...

    CREATE TABLE `foo` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
      KEY `idx_autoinc_id` (`id`)

    but we've gotten this far without unconditional quoting....

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner

    one hour later....

    [local](root@f1)# ./bin/mysql
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.1.26
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
    mysql> use test;
    Database changed
    mysql> create table foo (id integer, key idx_autoinc_id (id))engine=InnoDB;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
    mysql> create table bar (id integer, key `idx_autoinc_id` (`id`))engine=InnoDB;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

    hooray. now i know how to build ancient mysql's too. 4.1.26 is enough for me...

  5. Jeff Dairiki reporter

    Excellent, thanks Mike!

    I was pretty sure there was a {{{.preparer.quote()}}}, but I hadn't yet dug far enough to find it.

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