mapper compilation of non_primary mappers is buggy

Issue #248 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

the compilation phase of mappers focuses on primary mappers. if your primary mapper setup contains a lot of references to "non_primary" mappers, all the old problems of mapper depedencies come up again since there is no global list of non_primary mappers to be compiled. need to either fix this, or create clearer exceptions when non_primary mappers are used in places that they shouldnt really be used (or determine exactly what uses are appropriate for non_primary mappers....).

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    compilation is getting simpler and the usage of non-primary mappers has decreased. going to let this one sit for awhile, although we should look into consolidating the "is_primary" and "non_primary" flags into a single clearer flag.

  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    this has been fixed as of 0.4.2, all mappers are now present in the mapper_registry and get compiled as needed.

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