cloned selectable plus append_column causes internal error [patch]

Issue #2482 resolved
Former user created an issue

This test:

    def test_append_column_with_cloned_select(self):
        sel = select([literal_column('1').label('a')](literal_column('1').label('a')))
        cloned = sel._clone()
        eq_(cloned.c.keys(), ['b']('a',))

fails with an internal error when calling .c:

  File "/Users/gthb/extsvn/sqlalchemy/./lib/sqlalchemy/util/", line 485, in __get__
    obj.__dict__[self.__name__](self.__name__) = result = self.fget(obj)
  File "/Users/gthb/extsvn/sqlalchemy/./lib/sqlalchemy/sql/", line 2554, in columns
  File "/Users/gthb/extsvn/sqlalchemy/./lib/sqlalchemy/sql/", line 5251, in _populate_column_collection
    and c._label or None)
  File "/Users/gthb/extsvn/sqlalchemy/./lib/sqlalchemy/sql/", line 3964, in _make_proxy
    e = self.element._make_proxy(selectable, name=name or
  File "/Users/gthb/extsvn/sqlalchemy/./lib/sqlalchemy/sql/", line 4137, in _make_proxy
  File "/Users/gthb/extsvn/sqlalchemy/./lib/sqlalchemy/util/", line 88, in __getitem__
    return self._data[key](key)
KeyError: u'b'

This test is distilled from usage in sqla_hierarchy, which was broken by 0536c48dafb670d34fc96d26078b41ed6accf01f (between 0.7.5 and 0.7.6).

This usage may well be hacky and make improper use of internal functions _clone and _copy_internals — but in any case the code added in that changeset assumes, for a selectable that originated by cloning another, that every column in the clone exists also in the original. Using append_column after cloning (which I think should be a valid thing to do) breaks that assumption.

Attached patch adds a failing test (possibly in the wrong place?), trivially fixes it (and thus gets sqla_hierarchy working again, at least the way I'm using it), and doesn't break any existing tests.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.7.8

    wow, sorry, I'm just seeing this for the first time right now. I'll put this in 0.7.8 for the moment as I'll have to find some time to think about cloning issues yet again - thanks for this !

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