CTE does not honor quoted columns name in recursive definition

Issue #2512 resolved
Mariano Mara created an issue

Probably the title didn't make any sense :) so let's give a try now: tested with 0.7.8, if a have a column that requires quoting due to being a reserved word (e.g. "order"), the column is not quoted in the CET recursive definition (the ''with recursive anon_1(...)'' part) and therefore the sql is invalid and cannot be executed.

Using the CTE example from the doc (and replacing ''quantity'' with ''order'') this is the produced output:

WITH RECURSIVE anon_1(sub_part, part, order) AS 
(SELECT parts.sub_part AS sub_part, parts.part AS part, parts."order" AS "order" 
FROM parts 
WHERE parts.part = :part_1 UNION ALL SELECT parts_1.part AS part, parts_1.sub_part AS sub_part, parts_1."order" AS "order" 
FROM parts AS parts_1, anon_1 AS anon_2 
WHERE parts_1.part = anon_2.sub_part)
 SELECT anon_1.sub_part, sum(anon_1."order") AS total_quantity 
FROM anon_1 JOIN parts ON anon_1.part = parts.part GROUP BY anon_1.sub_part

As you can see order is quoted everywhere except in the first line.

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