Added the 'read_timeout' option.

Issue #2554 resolved
Jean Schurger created an issue

I sent a patch to the MySQL-client author too.

That option is implemented in libmysqlclient 5.5.

Comments (9)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I can't find any mention of read_timeout in MySQLdbs documentation: or in what is as far as I can tell its current source:

    Can we please ping back to this ticket when the project has officially added this feature. Also I don't know what MySQL-client/libmysqlclient is.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    ok thanks, have you gotten confirmation from Andy that the feature is going in as is ?

  3. Jean Schurger reporter


    I sent a mail an Andy one month ago, and one today as remember. I've put also a patch on the SF project page of MySQL-Python. So far, i'm waiting for some feedback :)


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