obsolete quoting fix in sqlite

Issue #2568 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

referring here to a941dff48f04b9dc0a81ce2673c67b2ba24971ac. This behavior was fixed in sqlite per this changeset: http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/600482d161, which would have been released as of sqlite 3.6.14 (see http://www.sqlite.org/changes.html).

testing on sqlite 2.0 with that schema, only foreign_key_list has an issue, and its only with the tablename:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE "django_content_type" (
   ...>             "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>             "django_stuff" text NULL
   ...> )
   ...> ;
sqlite>         CREATE TABLE "django_admin_log" (
   ...>             "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>             "action_time" datetime NOT NULL,
   ...>             "content_type_id" integer NULL REFERENCES "django_content_type" ("id"),
   ...>             "object_id" text NULL,
   ...>             "change_message" text NOT NULL
   ...> );
sqlite> pragma table_info("django_content_type");
sqlite> pragma table_info(django_content_type);
sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(django_admin_log);

on modern sqlite, there's no issue:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE "django_content_type" (
   ...>             "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>             "django_stuff" text NULL
   ...> )
   ...> ;
sqlite>         CREATE TABLE "django_admin_log" (
   ...>             "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   ...>             "action_time" datetime NOT NULL,
   ...>             "content_type_id" integer NULL REFERENCES "django_content_type" ("id"),
   ...>             "object_id" text NULL,
   ...>             "change_message" text NOT NULL
   ...> );
sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(django_admin_log);
0|0|django_content_type|content_type_id|id|NO ACTION|NO ACTION|NONE

the regexp makes it impossible to support a col name that actually has a quote in it.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    • changed status to open
    • removed status

    Beside quotes, it happens with older sqlite that table names are returned enclosed in square brackets.

    sqlalchemy 0.7.9, sqlite3 2.4.1, sqlite 3.5.9 on win32.

    Usually happens when I remove a column from a table: related tables are returned with square brackets, i.e. {{{related_table}}}.

    Makes sense (to me) to mirror (at least a part of) the behaviour of sqlite3Dequote.

    To implement the square brackets I've used something like:

    if self.dbapi.sqlite_version_info < (3, 6, 14):
      rtbl = re.sub(r'^(\"|\[)|(\"|\]()|(\"|\))$', '', rtbl)
  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    sure, let me add observations between ancient/current sqlite:

    SQLite version 2.8.17
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    sqlite> create table target (id integer not null primary key);
    sqlite> create table a (tid integer references target(id));
    sqlite> create table b (tid integer references "target"(id));
    sqlite> create table c (tid integer references `target`(id));
    assertion "pVm==0 || sqlite_malloc_failed" failed: file "./src/main.c", line 642, function "sqlite_exec"
    Abort trap (core dumped)
    -bash-4.2$ sqlite
    SQLite version 2.8.17
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    sqlite> create table target (id integer not null primary key);
    sqlite> create table a (tid integer references target(id));
    sqlite> create table b (tid integer references "target"(id));
    sqlite> create table c (tid integer references [target](target)(id));
    sqlite> create table d (tid integer references 'target'(id));
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(a);
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(b);
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(c);
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(d);
    SQLite version 3.7.13 2012-06-11 02:05:22
    Enter ".help" for instructions
    Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
    sqlite> create table target (id integer not null primary key);
    sqlite> create table a (tid integer references target(id));
    sqlite> create table b (tid integer references "target"(id));
    sqlite> create table c (tid integer references `target`(id));
    sqlite> create table d (tid integer references 'target'(id));
    sqlite> create table e (tid integer references [target](target)(id));
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(a);
    0|0|target|tid|id|NO ACTION|NO ACTION|NONE
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(b);
    0|0|target|tid|id|NO ACTION|NO ACTION|NONE
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(c);
    0|0|target|tid|id|NO ACTION|NO ACTION|NONE
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(d);
    0|0|target|tid|id|NO ACTION|NO ACTION|NONE
    sqlite> pragma foreign_key_list(e);
    0|0|target|tid|id|NO ACTION|NO ACTION|NONE
  3. Log in to comment