please add fdb to the init section in the firebird driver

Issue #2622 resolved
Adrian Marius Popa created an issue

On reddit someone got this error

Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:firebird.fdb

in dialects/firebird/ change the from to from sqlalchemy.dialects.firebird import base, kinterbasdb, fdb

also could you change

base.dialect = fdb.dialect

kinterbasdb is marked as Deprecated and Unmaintained by the Firebird team

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I can add the import but its not ready to be the default. I was not even able to get fdb to build on my mac so for now it's still "experimental".

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    per #2504, fdb needs Firebird (2.5.2), which was only fully released less than a month ago, in order to build on OSX.

  3. Adrian Marius Popa reporter

    Ok thanks please add it to the import and when you ready test it with firebird 2.5.2 stable , it should work ok on mac too with that version

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