test/sql/test_compiler CRUDTest needs to break out

Issue #2630 new
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

into test/sql/test_insert, test/sql/test_update (is there already), test/sql/test_delete.

Also take test/sql/test_generative->InsertTest (or ValuesBaseTest, the name is changing) and put that into test/sql/test_insert. CRUDTest->test_binds_that_match_columns can also go into test_insert->ValuesBaseTest.

all the tests need to get cleaned up fixtures, don't use globals, test one statement per test, etc.

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    (original author: diana) current compiler coverage:

    Name                                           Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
    sqlalchemy.sql.compiler                         1150     61    95%   330, 470, 473, 514, 564, 577, 580, 606, 816, 833, 836-839, 872, 924, 935, 1015, 1080, 1244, 1540, 1574-1575, 1585-1594, 1596, 1612-1613, 1629-1649, 1668-1671, 1780, 1788, 1791, 1795, 1934, 2026, 2065, 2115, 2193, 2226, 2256, 2280, 2397, 2427, 2438
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