Labeled subqueries

Issue #2796 resolved
Konsta Vesterinen created an issue

Atleast PostgreSQL requires aliases for all subqueries. I'm trying to formulate the following query into SQLAlchemy expression construct:

  SELECT count(DISTINCT :param_1) AS count_1
  FROM (
      SELECT AS id
      FROM company
  ) AS company_ids

Now assume Company is any declarative class containing only one column (id).

  company_ids =[](, from_obj=Company.__table__)

  print db.session.execute([db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))](db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))), from_obj=company_ids.label('company_ids')))

It gives me the following exception:

AttributeError: Neither 'Label' object nor 'Comparator' object has an attribute '_hide_froms'

I know the query I provided here makes a little sense (it could be simplified to a query without subqueries). I provided it as an example of failing scenario.

Comments (4)

  1. Konsta Vesterinen reporter

    As a follow up it would be nice to be able to use labeled unioned subqueries, for example:

      import sqlalchemy as db
      company_ids =[](, from_obj=Company.__table__)
      user_ids =[](, from_obj=User.__table__)
      print db.session.execute([db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))](db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))), from_obj=company_ids.union(user_ids).label('entity_ids'))).fetchall()
  2. Konsta Vesterinen reporter

    I was able to bypass this problem by forcing the subquery to render itself as string before passing it to from_obj. This introduces other problems because then I can't use SQLAlchemy's correlated subqueries for example.

    company_ids =[](, from_obj=Company.__table__)
    print db.session.execute([db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))](db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))), from_obj=unicode(company_ids.label('company_ids'))))
  3. Konsta Vesterinen reporter

    My bad, found a way for doing this using alias construct.

    from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import alias
    company_ids =[](, from_obj=Company.__table__)
    print db.session.execute([db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))](db.func.count(db.distinct('id'))), from_obj=alias(company_ids, name='company_ids')))
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