The documentation should be available in other formats for download

Issue #283 resolved
Former user created an issue

Currently the documenation appears to be available only online. Having a archive available and also having the docs available in one or more standard (ps, pdf, latex, etc.) formats would be nice.

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    the docs are in standalone html format in the ./doc/ directory of the distribution. their raw format is in Markdown (as .txt files which are also in the distrubution, in ./doc/build/content), so if there are converters for markdown->whatever those can be utilized as well.

  2. Michael Trier

    I'm not really sure this is something we need to provide. In a matter of minutes I went to: and I entered in our link to the full documentation as one page: and clicked Download. It creates a very nice PDF of about 150 pages for all the docs. That works well enough for me. I was going to attach an example but the file is too large.

    Anyway, I'm going to close this ticket and if there's something more that we can provide that is outside of that just reopen and let us know.

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