Regression in 0.9.x for polymorphic query

Issue #2908 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have a reasonably complex query which worked in 0.8.x and no longer works in 0.9.x.

I have created a script that defines the problematic entities and then queries for them.

Here is an ERD for the script: [Image(]

There are 2 join paths from Record to UserProfile: - Record -> User -> UserProfile, and - Record -> RecordUser2 -> User -> UserProfile

Looking at the SQL output the error is pretty obvious; the second join from User to UserProfile uses the foreign key from the first join.

Comments (6)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    (internal pdb notes follow)

    the turning point that is different in 0.9 is due to clause adaptation failing for raw joins, branch point is in orm/, when joining for joinedload for second User.profile:

            if prop:
                if sql_util.clause_is_present(on_selectable, left_info.selectable):
                    adapt_from = on_selectable
                    adapt_from = left_info.selectable

    the clause_is_present() check fails and it the join doesn't have a specific enough "adapt_from".

    that check fails because onclause.comparator._source_selectable() does this: the mapped entity is:

    > /Users/classic/dev/sqlalchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
    -> left_orm_info = getattr(left, '_joined_from_info', left_info)
    (Pdb) print
    party JOIN "user" ON party.party_id = "user".party_id

    the _adapt_to_entity is:

    (Pdb) print onclause.comparator._adapt_to_entity.selectable
    party AS party_1 JOIN "user" AS user_1 ON party_1.party_id = user_1.party_id

    the adaptation in _source_selectable() fails, by taking the _adapt_to_entity and replacing it for both "party" and "user" in the mapped selectable, forming a garbage selectable:

    (Pdb) print onclause.comparator._source_selectable()       
    party AS party_1 JOIN "user" AS user_1 ON party_1.party_id = user_1.party_id JOIN party AS party_1 JOIN "user" AS user_1 ON party_1.party_id = user_1.party_id ON party_1.party_id = user_1.party_id

    so the issue is ultimately with _source_selectable().

    so far a diff like this is working:

    diff --git a/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/ b/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
    index 982f10a..6fdedd3 100644
    --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
    +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/
    @@ -747,11 +747,10 @@ class RelationshipProperty(StrategizedProperty):
             def _source_selectable(self):
    -            elem =
    -            if self.adapter:
    -                return self.adapter(elem)
    +            if self._adapt_to_entity:
    +                return self._adapt_to_entity.selectable
    -                return elem
    +                return
             def __clause_element__(self):
                 adapt_from = self._source_selectable()

    but we can't test it fully because #2907 is breaking all the tests, so have to fix that first.

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