Warn for usage of old pysqlite2 version

Issue #302 resolved
Former user created an issue

On my platform (WinXP/Python 2.4.0) pysqlite2 version 2.1.3 is the minimum required to pass the test suite (at rev 1869). 2.0.3 produces the exceptions below. Versions 2.1.0 through 2.1.2 produce far more exceptions. This could simply be documented, but a runtime warning seems appropriate.

The following patch issues a warning in the case of an old pysqlite2:

Index: sqlite.py
--- sqlite.py   (revision 1869)
+++ sqlite.py   (working copy)
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
             sqlite = __import__('sqlite') # skip ourselves
             sqlite = None
+sqlite_ver = sqlite.version_info
+if sqlite_ver < (2,2) and sqlite_ver != (2,1,'3'):
+    import warnings
+    warnings.warn(RuntimeWarning(
+        "The installed version of pysqlite2 is out-dated, and will cause " +
+        "errors in some cases.\nPlease upgrade to version 2.1.3 or later"))
+    del warnings

 class SLNumeric(sqltypes.Numeric):
     def get_col_spec(self):

Errors with pysqlite2 version 2.0.3:

sqlalchemy SVN Rev 1869 (same results with Rev 1868, 1800) Windows XP SP2 Python 2.4.0 pysqlite2.dbapi2.version '2.0.3'

C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy>python test/alltests.py --quiet
FAIL: testcast (sql.select.SelectTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\sql\select.py", line 597, in testcast
    check_results(sqlite.dialect(), [2)', 'NUMERIC(12, 9)', 'DATE',
 'TEXT', 'VARCHAR(20)']('NUMERIC(10,), '?')
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\sql\select.py", line 583, in check_results

    self.assertEqual(str(cast(tbl.c.v1, Numeric).compile(dialect=dialect)), 'CAS
T(casttest.v1 AS %s)' %expected_results[0](0))
AssertionError: 'casttest.v1' != 'CAST(casttest.v1 AS NUMERIC(10, 2))'

FAIL: testinsert (sql.defaults.DefaultTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\sql\defaults.py", line 96, in testinsert
    self.assert_(l.fetchall() == ['imthedefault', f, ts, ts, ctexec), (52,
'imthedefault', f, ts, ts, ctexec), (53, 'imthedefault', f, ts, ts, ctexec)]((51,))

FAIL: testupdate (sql.defaults.DefaultTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\sql\defaults.py", line 112, in testupdate
    self.assert_(l == (pk, 'im the update', f2, None, None, ctexec))

FAIL: testorderby (orm.mapper.EagerTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\orm\mapper.py", line 821, in testorderby
    {'user_id' : 9, 'addresses' : (Address, [ File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 180, in assert_result
    self.assert_list(result, class_, objects)
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 184, in assert_list
    self.assert_row(class_, result[i](])}
), list[i](i))
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 190, in assert_row
    self.assert_list(getattr(rowobj, key), value[0](0), value[1](1))
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 184, in assert_list
    self.assert_row(class_, result[i](i), list[i](i))
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 194, in assert_row
    self.assert_(getattr(rowobj, key) == value, "attribute %s value %s does not
match %s" % (key, getattr(rowobj, key), value))
AssertionError: attribute email_address value ed@wood.com does not match ed@bett

FAIL: testorderby_desc (orm.mapper.EagerTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\orm\mapper.py", line 836, in testorderby_d
    {'user_id' : 9, 'addresses' : (Address, [ File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 180, in assert_result
    self.assert_list(result, class_, objects)
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 184, in assert_list
    self.assert_row(class_, result[i](])},
), list[i](i))
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 190, in assert_row
    self.assert_list(getattr(rowobj, key), value[0](0), value[1](1))
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 184, in assert_list
    self.assert_row(class_, result[i](i), list[i](i))
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\testbase.py", line 194, in assert_row
    self.assert_(getattr(rowobj, key) == value, "attribute %s value %s does not
match %s" % (key, getattr(rowobj, key), value))
AssertionError: attribute email_address value ed@bettyboop.com does not match ed

FAIL: testfunction (orm.mapper.MapperTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PythonLibs\sqlalchemy\test\orm\mapper.py", line 342, in testfunction
    assert l[0](0).concat == l[0](0).user_id * 2 == 14

Ran 352 tests in 16.854s

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